Sunday, June 1, 2014


I don't know how people feel when they visit Haram Sharif. I've asked my cousin about it, she said one feels himself being nothing... You think you're just a tiny creature of Allah almighty and your existence is just minute. My aunt told me every single person who looks at Kaabah eventually cries. What kind of tears are they? I'm sure they're pure, when you cry right from your heart... They say the desire to see it lies in every heart. All believers want to see it live, touch it with their own hands and pray... I wish to be among those lucky ones to IN SHA ALLAH.
So I save the pictures of Kaabah when ever they show up on my fb home page... I've been doing it since April... When you open up a picture and just stare at it... When you just want to visit it at least once in your life... When you want to feel what others feel. I want to pray in HIS house just like them. I hope i get a chance IA...
So it was my school friend who was doing Umrah... I don't even know her personally, I don't like most of what she posts on Facebook. But during the time she was there, she used to update status and I loved reading those... There's a longing that I used to feel... So one day she shared a post of her cousin or sister and I got star struck after reading it. I know that was the one time I cried when I should have... I know I don't cry on things on which people usually do, but that day I knew my tears were pure too... I couldn't like the original post or share it but I felt love for my maker at that time and I still feel it when I read it... That makes me think I have Imaan, even if it's not strong but I still possess it... So here it goes... I want to share that post for others... I don't know how many people read my blog or even if any one reads it or not... But I can still do it... Maybe someone somewhere is struggling with himself for Imaan, maybe it can help that person realize that love...
Ramsha Ijaz :
Today we are going back to Pakistan so I was in front of kabah and it's door was open for cleaning purpose. When the door got closed and all the police men went I prayed to Allah that please make me pray 2 nafal in Hateem don't let me go empty handed this time. I don't know what happened as soon I said this I just went towards it and got inside without difficulty. As soon as I got in many people started coming and I did not have place to do sajda so I said maybe its impossible to pray, but then I don't know from where one woman came and she stood in front of me like a shield and I got space to do sajda and I completed my nafal. Then I went out and touched the kaba, and prayed. After that I prayed to Nafal to thank Allah and was crying. It made me happy that I prayed in Hateem but what made me more happy was that Allah(swt) listened to me there and then. As soon as I completed my prayer I felt something is taking me towards what I prayed for. Subhan Allah it made me cry. After such a long time I actually felt connected to Allah. I actually felt that He is Al- hayy and Al- wadood and Al- mujeeb. I have no idea how atheists deny the existence of Him and how are they still alive. He is a REAL GOD and He listens to your prayers. Don't loose hope in Allah that is the worst thing you can do.
"And when My servants ask you, [O Muhammad], concerning Me - indeed I am near. I respond to the invocation of the supplicant when he calls upon Me. So let them respond to Me [by obedience] and believe in Me that they may be [rightly] guided." 2:186